What looks like an ordinary stretch of newly-paved road, is actually being hailed as the first mile of recycled plastic highway on a state road anywhere in the U.S.
Using more than 150,000 single-use plastic bottles, sustainable landscaping company TechniSoil partnered with state transit officials to repave the one-mile stretch of a three-lane road in July.
The California Department of Transportation has already slated the material for use throughout the state, the eco-friendly road formula has been shown to be 2-3 times more durable than traditional asphalt pavement. Not only is it durable, but TechniSoil officials also say the procedure generates 90% less greenhouse gas emissions than the process currently used.
Motorists will be traveling later today on a section of Highway 162 that has been repaved using recycled asphalt pavement and liquid plastic made with plastic bottles. Read more at https://t.co/NswIs8f65x @CaltransHQ pic.twitter.com/EasMSu5qcJ
— Caltrans District 3 (@CaltransDist3) July 30, 2020
Source: Good News Network